
Forschungsberichte aus ZUdoc

Publikationslisten aus ZUdoc





Publication list ZUdoc for 2016 - 2024

General information

Alexander Jaudas

Research papers

    Scientific articles with peer-review

  • Alós-Ferrer, Carlos/ Jaudas, Alexander/ Ritschel, Alexander: Attentional shifts and preference reversals: An eye-tracking study. In: Judgment and Decision Making2021 (16, 1): 57-93 🔗
  • Alós-Ferrer, Carlos/ Jaudas, Alexander/ Ritschel, Alexander: Effortful Bayesian updating: A pupil-dilation study. In: Journal of Risk and Uncertainty2021 (63): 81–102 🔗
  • Ludwig, Jonas/ Jaudas, Alexander/ Achtziger, Anja: The role of motivation and volition in economic decisions: Evidence from eye movements and pupillometry. In: Journal of Behavioral Decision Making2020 (33, 2): 180 - 195 🔗
  • Hefer, Carmen/ Cohen, Anna-Lisa/ Jaudas, Alexander et al.: The flexible engagement of monitoring processes in non-focal and focal prospective memory tasks with salient cues. In: Acta Psychologica2017 (179): 42-53 🔗
  • Cohen, Anna-Lisa/ Gordon, Aliza/ Jaudas, Alexander et al.: Let it go: the flexible engagement and disengagement of monitoring processes in a non-focal prospective memory task. In: Psychological Research2017 (81(2)): 366 - 377 🔗
  • Hügelschäfer, Sabine/ Jaudas, Alexander/ Achtziger, Anja: Detecting gender before you know it: How implementation intentions control early gender categorization. In: Brain Research2016 (1649(Part A)): 9 - 22 🔗
  • Rahn, Johanna/ Jaudas, Alexander/ Achtziger, Anja: A mind for money: Dynamic mindset effects on smart risk taking.. In: Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics2016 (9(3-4)): 145 - 156 🔗
  • Rahn, Johanna/ Jaudas, Alexander/ Achtziger, Anja: To plan or not to plan—mindset effects on visual attention in decision making.. In: Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics2016 (2016, 9): 109 - 120 🔗

  • Parts of a book

  • Achtziger, Anja/ Jaudas, Alexander: Motivation. In: Strohmer, Janina (Hrsg): Psychologie-Wissen für Fachkräfte in Kita, Krippe und Hort. Hans Huber, Bern, 2017: 81-86. 🔗

Special scientific activities